New business requirements, new innovations, and new International HR models make it essential for HR to be in strategic harmony with the business. No longer has a burdensome cost, HR had a new role to play. The new structure for future HR departments will mean a massive rethink of how HR contributes to the business and how its value is measured.

This innovative and dynamic new program will cover all the latest thinking and the new models for Strategic HR. In today’s world HR managers are faced with increasingly complex responsibilities. In order to meet this challenge, they must continually sharpen their management skills.


By the end of the program, participants will be able to:

  • Consider methods for improving management performance
  • Gain insights into the successful implementation of teams
  • Study the techniques of strategic planning
  • Develop their skills in the area of negotiating
  • Analyze the Baldrige award criteria for excellence
  • Examine the application of management best practices
  • See the new HR framework and understand the structural changes needed
  • Use the new HR maturity model to measure existing positions and develop strategies for the future
  • Understand and use strategic models and implementation processes to deliver future-based results (this includes a new complete end-to-end strategic model)
  • Understand and be able to use a corporate culture program to change organizational culture
  • Learn how existing appraisal systems can be changed to produce measurable performance and competency results
  • Understand and be able to use creative methods for improving HR performance
  • New approaches to pay and benefits
  • Explore knowledge management and the role of emotional intelligence for tomorrow’s organization
  • Create added value – beyond key indicators


  • Senior Human Resource staff who wish for a future HR management position
  • Existing HR Managers who wish to gain a valuable qualification
  • HR Managers who have an interest in performance improvement through people
  • Senior Managers who want to see the value that HR can add to an organization
  • Senior staff wishing to see how new pay and benefits systems can change productivity
  • Employees wishing to pursue a senior career in Human Resources


People Management

  • The importance of sociotechnical management
  • Techniques for effective communication
  • Motivating for results
  • Enhancing your coaching skills
  • Empowering employees for improved performance
  • Characteristics of a successful manager

Leading Teams

  • Obtaining the benefits of teamwork
  • Characteristics of ineffective teams
  • Characteristics of effective teams
  • Managing conflict in a productive manner
  • Understanding team member styles
  • Creating a virtual team

Strategic Planning

  • Analyzing the strategic planning process
  • Achieving competitive advantage
  • Utilizing dynamic SWOT analysis
  • Focusing on vision and mission
  • The importance of contingency planning
  • Examples of strategic success and failure

Negotiating for results

  • Gaining insight into the negotiating process
  • Characteristics of an effective negotiator
  • Developing negotiating strategies
  • Employing persuasive negotiation techniques
  • Achieving the benefits of effective negotiating
  • Negotiation exercises

Operational Excellence

  • The Malcolm Baldrige quality award-standard of excellence
  • Lessons from the best-performing companies
  • Benchmarking your operation against the best
  • Creating employee commitment
  • Managing continuous improvement
  • Creating the high-performance organization

The changing expectations of Human Resources

  • Introductions
  • Global Change
  • Impact of technology on future businesses – case study
  • Need to change organizational structures – Video FACE
  • How changing internal and external customer needs will affect all current HR concepts –
  • Video
  • Where are you now? The HR change model – questionnaire and discussion

How the strategy works – the model and the implementation

  • The four strategic models – how they work – case studies
  • Strategic models for use within the organization, incorporating the LAND model – Video and organizational tool for measurement (questionnaire)
  • Creativity and innovation – their role in strategic thinking – exercises and video

Translating Strategy into action and Use of corporate culture

  • How strategy is translated into business plans
  • Use of the 6 S model to produce plans that can be measured
  • Creating HR quality plans – how to do it – practical exercises
  • Delivering measurable business benefits
  • No plan – no results – case study and Video

Significant changes in how International HR will function in the future

  • Process re-engineering HR activities – exercise and video
  • The three-tier model for HR – benefits to the business
  • Managing and valuing Human Capital
  • Developing and measuring Competency and Performance
  • Use of Corporate culture – how to design a corporate culture template – practical case study and exercise
  • The changing function of recruitment, psychometric testing and Personality questionnaires

Significant HR actions that can help improve the efficiency of the organization

  • Understanding rightsizing the organization – an ongoing process
  • How pay and conditions can dramatically improve productivity – at no extra cost to the organization
  • A new look at performance appraisal – ensuring year-on-year improvements in competency and performance
  • How a new motivation model “MMM” can change measurable results
  • Corporate communications – a new role for HR?
  • Managing trends: knowledge management, home working, predictive forecasting
  • End of program review


A variety of methodologies will be used during the course that includes:

  • Lectures
  • Case Studies and Self Questionaries
  • Group Work
  • Techniques
  • Role Play
  • Concepts
  • Pre-assessment and Post-assessment
  • Variety of Learning Methods